TMP Community Engagement

The TMP process will be conducted in phases to provide a clear and transparent approach to identify issues and opportunities, explore potential solutions, and recommend approaches.

A critical step to create a new TMP which enhances mobility in the community, for residents, businesses and visitors, is understanding how transportation in the community works now. By listening to feedback from those who understand the City best, a TMP will be created to address transportation challenges.

Phase 2: Where do we want to go?
"With the insights gained from Phase 1, we move into the second phase of the transportation master plan process which is where do we want to go? During this phase, we will forecast future demands based on the Official Community Plan and other projections of growth within the City and broader region and assess the impacts to the transportation network.

 Phase 2 begins with a second public engagement session for residents on Tuesday, March 5 where we will present the emerging recommendations to receive input and adjust our approach based on community input and this engagement will be captured in What We Heard report #2. This phase will explore opportunities to address identified challenges and meet community priorities, with recommended approaches developed and assessed. An online survey will also be provided in Phase 2 engagement.

Transportation Master Plan – Open House #2
Tuesday, March 5, 2 pm to 7 pm
Forum, Parksville Civic and Technology Centre
100 Jensen Avenue East

Online public survey
Open March 5 to April 5

Phase 1: Issues, Opportunities, and Aspirations
Online Public Survey (open November 8 to December 3, 2023)
This survey is seeking public input on how this new transportation master plan can improve mobility experiences in the City of Parksville for all modes of transportation including walking, cycling, transit, and driving. Prior to completing the survey, we encourage you to review the information presented at the open house on November 8, now available here.

Transportation Master Plan Open House (November 8, 2023)
The drop-in open house reviewed existing conditions and mapping and provided an opportunity for residents to comment and ask questions as well as input on issues not included in these core topics – traffic and signals, active transportation (walking and cycling), transit, parking, safety and funding. Consultant, McElhanney Ltd, delivered four presentations during open house. This information is available here.