Accessibility Plan for the City of Parksville

November 8, 2023

LINK TO PDF(External link)

The City of Parksville’s first formal Accessibility Plan was approved by Council on November 6, 2023. The plan was developed with the advice of the City’s Accessibility Advisory Committee and incorporates feedback from the community.

The accessibility plan will serve as a guide to reduce or eliminate barriers and to advance inclusion in the City over the next three years. The plan contains 34 recommendations covering four standard areas – employment, delivery of services, built environment, and information and communications. The accessibility plan is intended to be a living document which will evolve over time. The plan will be reviewed and updated at least once every three years as required under the Accessible British Columbia Act and progress will be reported to Council on an annual basis.

The accessibility plan may be viewed at Let’s Talk Parksville and feedback on the plan is welcome; please submit to link)

The Province of British Columbia passed the Accessible BC Act (ABCA) in 2021. This legislation requires local governments to establish an accessibility committee, develop an accessibility plan and provide a process for obtaining public feedback on accessibility.

For more information:
Deb Tardiff, Manage of Communications;(External link) 250 954-3073

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