EMO News Release -March 11

Link to PDF(External link)

COVID Update
On March 10, Minister Dix and Dr Henry announced a balanced and transitional approach over the next few weeks to changes around COVID-19 restrictions. Detailed information may be found on BC Government and BCCDC websites. The next public health officer update will be held prior to the April 8 changes.

BC is one of the most vaccinated jurisdictions in the world. Dr Henry advises our province continues to progress well and to go in the right direction. Because of our high vaccination rate, our immunity is high and because people followed safety measure when it was necessary to do so to keep us safe. As transmission goes down, the risk in our community goes down as well. Dr Henry stressed the importance of moving at our own pace, assessing our own risks and being respectful of the comfort level of others.

Changes which came into effect today ease restrictions:

  • Repeal of face covering mandate in indoor settings
  • Long-term care visitation restored
  • Overnight child and youth camp order lifted
  • Faith gathering capacity limits lifted

Face coverings
Masks will no longer be mandatory in indoor settings with some health-related exceptions. It is important to recognize we will have different comfort levels and differing levels of risk and that we should be able to move at our own pace. Masks continue to be a layer of protection for ourselves and for those around us.

Childcare and K-12
Revisions to guidelines will be effective when students return from spring break; timing for spring break will differ among school districts.

What’s ahead for us on April 8
These changes to come into effect on April 8 assume the number of cases does not increase and hospitalizations continue to decline.

  • BC Vaccine card will no longer be required
  • Businesses transition from COVID-19 safety plan to communicable disease plan
  • Post-secondary residence vaccine requirement lifted.

Tsunami Preparedness

Tsunami Preparedness Week in BC is recognized April 10 to April 16. Prepared BC is hosting a virtual High Ground Hike and contest. Details are at this link.(External link)

As well, here are a few more online PreparedBC tsunami and earthquake resources for your reading pleasure:

Earthquake and Tsunami Guide(External link)(External link)
Get prepared for a tsunami(External link)(External link)
EMO Tsunami Preparedness(External link)

Resources for People with Disabilities
There are some good preparedness resources for people with disabilities. PreparedBC provides a guide available at this link: Resources for People with Disabilities(External link). If you would like a copy of the booklet, please stop by City of Parksville, administration office for a copy courtesy of EMO.

Vehicle Emergency Kit
Here’s a suggested checklist for your vehicle emergency kit(External link) which can be kept in your vehicle year-round, then checked twice a year to ensure freshness of water and to restock any items. These supplies can be stored in a portable container in your vehicle. As well, remember to always keep your vehicle’s gas tank at least half-full.

Here’s a suggestion of some of the items you might wish to include:

  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Portable cell phone charger
  • Non-perishable food/energy bars
  • Bottled water, plastic so it won’t break if frozen
  • Booster cables
  • Hand sanitizer (60% alcohol). Can also be used for de-icing frozen locks
  • Emergency flares
  • High visibility vest
  • Candle in a deep metal can and waterproof matches
  • Heavy blanket/sleeping bag
  • Extra clothing and footwear (seasonal)
  • Work gloves
  • Fire extinguisher
  • First aid kit
  • Shovel
  • Whistle
  • Spare fuel container
  • Road maps
  • Emergency contact numbers
  • Emergency help sign for dashboard.


Town of Qualicum Beach
Town Hall is open to the public with full services. Hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm (except statutory holidays). Although the office is open, residents are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the other payment options including payment through your financial institution; mail a cheque; or drop off a cheque at Town Hall drop box (location below). If you do wish to visit Town Hall to conduct business, masks are recommended while in the building.

City of Parksville
City Hall is open to the public from 8 am to 4 pm and our operations department from 8 am to 4 pm and closed noon to 1 pm.

Information when visiting:

  • Access to the Parksville Civic and Technology Centre is from Jensen Avenue East and from the library parking lot.
  • Masks are recommended while in the building.
  • The public is welcome to attend Council meetings in-person; however, attendance is limited. Meetings may be viewed from the City’s website.(External link)
  • If sick, please stay home.
  • Refer to the City website(External link) and Let’s Talk Parksville for more information.

BC Centre for Disease Control(External link)(External link)
BCCDC – COVID-19(External link)(External link)
Island Health(External link)(External link)
Proof of vaccination info (External link)(External link)
Vaccine info(External link) - 1 833 838-2323
Medical COVID-19 information - 811

For more information:

Aaron Dawson
Emergency Program Coordinator, City of Parksville
adawson@parksville.ca(External link)

Deb Tardiff
Manager of Communications, City of Parksville
dtardiff@parksville.ca(External link)

Consultation has concluded