2023-2027 Financial Plan Online Survey
January 25, 2023
Public input is an important part of the City of Parksville’s financial planning process and Council wishes to receive input from residents and businesses prior to financial plan deliberation meetings in March and April. This input will help to inform the City’s 2023-2027 financial plan.
The City’s annual budget is part of a five-year financial plan which sets out the services and initiatives for the next five years and how the City of Parksville will pay for them. The City strives to maintain quality programs and services for our residents and keep taxes affordable for businesses and homeowners.
We are once again asking residents to complete an online survey to assist Council to better understand where residents would prioritize monies to be spent in 2023 to 2027. The survey, available online until 4 pm, February 24, may be accessed from the City’s website and from this link. As well, paper copies of the survey may be obtained from City Hall.
Council meetings to discuss the new financial plan will be held as follows:
Wednesday, March 15 10 am Monday, March 27 1 pm
Wednesday, March 22 10 am Wednesday, April 12 6 pm
In addition to the survey and in-person attendance at Council meetings, residents may participate through these means:
- Comments and questions may be emailed at any time to council@parksville.ca and will form part of the public record.
- Learn about our financial planning process and ask questions. Let’s Talk Parksville offers information to help our residents and businesses understand the City’s financial planning process and how tax dollars are spent. Consider being involved by sharing comments and it’s a great place to ask questions. Input will form part of the public record and will be provided to Council.
- All Council public financial plan meetings will be webstreamed live and archived from our website.
If you wish to familiarize yourself with the City’s financial planning process, previous years’ plans and presentations may be viewed on Let’s Talk Parksville and on the City’s website.
For more information:
Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications
dtardiff@parksville.ca; 250 954-3087