Next Steps for Parksville’s Transportation Master Plan

January 29, 2024

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The process to update the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) now in Phase 2, will provide a comprehensive plan which reflects the changing needs and expectations of the community and provides a roadmap to ensure a well-coordinated, efficient, and sustainable mobility network aligned with the goals and vision of the community. This new plan will include costs, impacts, and policy direction, along with an implementation plan with monitoring and expected outcomes. Started in July 2023, Phase 2 is expected to complete in June followed by a third and final phase.

During Phase 2, we are once again seeking your feedback on the proposed goals and objectives for the TMP. Our next open house on Tuesday, March 5 will share details on proposed projects and strategies to meet the community’s vision and will be followed by a second online survey for more feedback on what has been accomplished so far.

The TMP will address current and future needs for all modes (auto, pedestrian, transit, cycling, and new and micro-mobility) along with emergency services and goods movement, with a particular focus on the downtown section of the Island Highway corridor. The goal is to provide a safe and accessible transportation network which will support a high quality of life for residents, and efficient mobility for all, recognizing the unique characteristics of the City.

The What We Heard report from Phase 1 is complete and available on Let’s Talk Parksville. This report collects the discussions of the first public engagement session, along with the feedback received through the online survey completed in December. The base conditions assessment report available to review on Let’s Talk Parksville, summarizes the status of the multi-modal transportation network and identifies issues and opportunities to be explored during future phases of work.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - Parksville residents and businesses are invited to the Phase 2 TMP kickoff engagement event. Whether you drive, transit, walk, cycle, or roll when getting around Parksville, we need your input at a drop-in open house on future capital projects and planning.

Parksville residents, business owners

Phase 2 Drop-in Open House, Transportation Master Plan

The Forum, Parksville Civic and Technology Centre
100 Jensen Avenue East, Parksville

2-7 pm, Tuesday, March 5

We need your input on future capital projects and planning

For more information:
Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications;(External link) 250 954-3073

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