Transportation Master Plan

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Updated February 12, 2025
We are nearing completion of the transportation master plan process. This new plan will address current transportation challenges and shape the future of transportation in Parksville. The process to create a transportation master plan began in late 2023 and continued through 2024. The draft transportation master plan will be presented to Parksville Council for consideration this spring.


Updated February 12, 2025
We are nearing completion of the transportation master plan process. This new plan will address current transportation challenges and shape the future of transportation in Parksville. The process to create a transportation master plan began in late 2023 and continued through 2024. The draft transportation master plan will be presented to Parksville Council for consideration this spring.


  • Phase 3 Transportation Master Plan

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    February 12, 2025


    The City of Parksville is nearing completion of the transportation master plan process. This new plan will address current transportation challenges and shape the future of transportation in Parksville. The process to create a transportation master plan began in late 2023 and continued through 2024. The draft transportation master plan will be presented to Parksville Council for consideration this spring.

    With valuable input from the public through in-person engagement and online surveys, the first two phases defined the overall ambitions of the City to be an active, accessible and safe community, and then developed a series of options to respond to the identified challenges. This final Phase 3, developed practical recommendations to address the challenges and analyzed feedback from the community on project priorities, summarized in the What We Heard Report #3.

    The Phase 3 report may be viewed on Let’s Talk Parksville along with the results from the first two phases of engagement, open house presentations and key reference documents.

    The Canada Community Building Fund Community Works Fund contributed a total of $150,000 to the Transportation Master Plan initiative; $62,900 was allocated in 2023 and $87,100 in 2024.

    More information:
    Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications; 250 954-3073

  • Parksville’s Transportation Master Plan - Phase 3 Survey

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    October 1, 2024


    The third and final round of community engagement for the City’s transportation master plan project is underway and once again, we are looking for your feedback. This time, to determine if we are on the right track. The Phase 3 online survey may be accessed from Let’s Talk Parksville and the City’s website until November 3. Comments provided in this survey will help us to better understand your priorities. We appreciate your input once again!

    If you were not able to attend the open house on October 1, the information presented at the open house is available on Let’s Talk Parksville. The insights and feedback from the previous two engagement phases were used to generate recommendations for improvements to the transportation network which also includes costing and implementation-planning which will be incorporated in the final transportation master plan document.

    The City of Parksville began developing a transportation master plan in 2023, completing two phases of community engagement (November 2023 and April 2024). This plan will serve as a guiding strategic document to address current and future needs for all modes (auto, pedestrian, transit, cycling, and micro-mobility) along with emergency services and goods movement to support the objectives of the City’s Official Community Plan. The goal is to provide a safe, efficient and accessible transportation network to support a high quality of life for residents and efficient mobility for all.

    Our thanks to everyone who participated in the first two phases of community engagement for Parksville’s transportation master plan project. During Phase 2, more than 800 people shared their transportation experiences and ideas. The results of Phase 1 and 2 may be reviewed on Let’s Talk Parksville.

    There are two ways to complete this survey - online and paper version.

    • Complete the survey online.
    • Print the survey or obtain a paper copy from the City of Parksville (100 Jensen Avenue East). Please return your completed survey to the City of Parksville by November 3.

    For more information:
    Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications; 250 954-3073

  • Parksville’s Transportation Master Plan at Phase 3

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    September 6, 2024


    We are now in the third round of community engagement for Parksville’ transportation master plan and need your feedback to ensure we’re on the right track. You are invited to the third engagement open house on October 1 from 2-7 pm in the Forum, 100 Jensen Avenue East. Presentations by the project consultant are scheduled for 3 pm and 5 pm.

    We are asking for your feedback to help guide project priorities as well as provide your final thoughts on areas for future improvement. Phase 3 will focus on developing practical recommendations for transportation infrastructure improvements to support the needs of Parksville over the next twenty years. This final engagement will present the recommended projects and improvements across all modes of travel (auto, transit, walking, and cycling) with the goal of confirming with the community that the plan is capturing a balanced and practical approach to achieving the City’s mobility goals. There will be opportunities to provide this feedback at the open house on October 1 and as part of a third online survey which will be open from October 1 through November 3.

    The City began developing a transportation master plan in July 2023. In the first round of public engagement, ending in December 2023, the public told us what they wanted in general terms. This information was then used to develop direction for policies, projects and planning. Phase 2 engagement was completed in April 2024 with more than 700 people responding to the phase 2 survey. The second What We Heard report was made available in July with the results helping to further refine the policies, projects and planning developed after the first engagement. Our thanks to everyone who participated to help shape this plan.

    We look forward to completing the third and final phase of the transportation master plan project which will finalize recommended projects with costs, funding sources, and a plan for implementation. The final recommendations will be presented to Council for consideration in early 2025. More info and details about this project may be viewed on Let’s Talk Parksville.

    The Canada Community Building Fund Community Works Fund contributed a total of $150,000 to the Transportation Master Plan initiative; $62,900 was allocated in 2023 and $87,100 in 2024.

    For more information:
    Deb Tardiff, Manage of Communications; 250 954-3073

  • Transportation Master Plan Moving Right Along

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    July 24, 2024


    The City of Parksville is pleased to update residents about the transportation master plan initiative as we move into the third phase of the process. The Canada Community Building Fund Community Works Fund contributed a total of $150,000 to the Transportation Master Plan initiative; $62,900 was allocated in 2023 and $87,100 in 2024.

    First Phase
    The first phase included data collection at major intersections within the City, traffic analysis and parking inventory, an open house, online survey, base conditions assessment, and local engagement meetings. These activities were collected into a What We Heard report and a Base Conditions Assessment report which summarized the findings and helped to define the overall ambitions of the community to respond to identified challenges.

    Second Phase
    The second phase saw the development of a series of options (grouped into capital projects, near-term planning, quick progress, and policy and guidelines) which sought to respond to identified challenges in ways that support the overall objectives of the project and align with the desire for Parksville to be an active, accessible and safe community. These ideas were presented to the community at the second open house on March 5 and combined with the results of an online survey, the feedback from the session helped the transportation master plan team refine the options and prepare initial recommendations. The second online survey saw over 700 completed responses; we thank you for your engagement! The second What We Heard report is now complete and available for review on Let’s Talk Parksville.

    Third Phase
    We are preparing for a third public engagement session on Tuesday, October 1 from 2 to 7 pm. This final engagement will present the recommended projects and improvements across all modes of travel (auto, transit, walking, and cycling) with the goal of confirming with the community that the plan is capturing a balanced and practical approach to achieving the City’s mobility goals. We will seek feedback on project priorities as well as any final thoughts on areas for future improvement. There will be opportunities to provide this feedback at the open house and as part of a third online survey.

    We look forward to completing the third and final phase of the transportation master plan project which will finalize recommended projects with costs, funding sources, and plan for implementation. The final recommendations will be presented to Council for consideration. More info and updates on Let’s Talk Parksville.

    For more information:
    Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications; 250 954-3073

  • Next Steps for Parksville’s Transportation Master Plan

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    April 11, 2024


    We are nearing completion of the second of three phases of the transportation master plan process. This first phase included data collection at major intersections within the City, an open house, online survey, base conditions assessment, and meetings with interested groups and organizations. These activities were collected into a What We Heard report and a Base Conditions Assessment report which summarized the findings and helped to define the overall ambitions of the community to respond to identified challenges.

    The second phase saw the development of a series of options (grouped into capital projects, near-term planning, quick progress, and policy and guidelines) which attempt to respond to identified challenges in ways that support the overall objectives of the project and align with the desire for Parksville to be an active, accessible, and safe community. These ideas were presented to the community at the second open house in February and combined with the results of an online survey, the feedback from the session will help the transportation master plan team refine the options and prepare initial recommendations. The second online survey, open from March 6 to April 5, received about 700 completed surveys. The next step in phase two is the completion of the second What We Heard report which will be available on Let’s Talk Parksville in May.

    With the wrap up of the second phase, we look forward to the third and final phase which will focus on developing a series of practical recommendations for improvements over the coming years. The improvements will be costed, with identified funding sources and a plan for implementation. The recommendations will be presented to the community before being finalized and submitted to Council for consideration. More info and updates on Let’s Talk Parksville.

    For more information:
    Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications; 250 954-3073

  • Transportation Master Plan- Phase 2 Survey

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    March 6, 2024


    We are well into our process to develop a new transportation master plan for the City of Parksville. We completed phase one in late 2023 and phase two is now underway and expected to be finished in June. Thank you to those who shared your ideas and experiences related to transportation in the City.

    To continue our engagement on the master plan, we invite residents to participate in a second online survey. Residents are encouraged to share feedback on what we have accomplished so far; we are seeking your input on proposed goals and objectives for the transportation master plan, future capital projects and planning, and proposed projects and strategies to meet the community’s vision. The survey is open until April 5, accessible from Let’s Talk Parksville and the City’s website. Paper copies of the survey are available from City Hall.

    If you did not attend the March 5 open house, the information presented may be viewed on Let’s Talk Parksville and the boards will be on display in the Atrium, 100 Jensen Avenue East until the March 18. We encourage you to take a few minutes to review this information before completing the second survey.

    We encourage residents to review details on Let’s Talk Parksville which includes information presented at the two open houses, results from the first phase engagement, What We Heard Report, as well as the base conditions report prepared by consultant, McElhanney Ltd.

    For more information:

    Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications; 250 954-3073

  • Round 2 of Parksville’s Transportation Master Plan

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    February 22, 2024


    Thank you to everyone who participated in the first phase of the City’s transportation master plan project. In late 2023, through an open house and online survey, we heard from more than 400 people who shared their thoughts, ideas and experiences related to transportation in the City of Parksville.

    Phase 2 Drop-in Open House - March 5
    We invite residents to participate in round two of our planning. Whether you drive, transit, walk, cycle, or roll when moving around Parksville, we need your feedback at an open house on Tuesday, March 5, to be held in the Forum, 100 Jensen Avenue East. We encourage residents to drop in between 2 and 7 pm and plan to stay for one of the presentations scheduled for 3 pm and 5 pm. We are seeking your feedback on proposed goals and objectives for the transportation master plan, future capital projects and planning, and proposed projects and strategies to meet the community’s vision.

    Phase 2 Survey - March 5 to April 5
    As part of phase 2 input, Parksville residents are invited to share their thoughts on what we have accomplished so far. To ensure that the transportation master plan accurately reflects the needs of the community, we are once again asking for your feedback. The information presented at the March 5 open house will be available to review on Let’s Talk Parksville. This phase 2 survey will be open from March 5 to April 5 on Let’s Talk Parksville.

    The process to update our transportation master plan now in Phase 2, will result in a comprehensive plan which reflects the changing needs and expectations of the community and provides a roadmap to ensure a well-coordinated, efficient, and sustainable mobility network aligned with the goals and vision of the community. This new plan will include costs, impacts, and policy direction, along with an implementation plan with monitoring and expected outcomes. Phase 2 is expected to complete in June, followed by the third and final phase.

    This new plan will address current and future needs for all modes along with emergency services and goods movement, with a particular focus on the downtown section of the Island Highway corridor. The goal is to provide a safe and accessible transportation network which will support a high quality of life for residents and efficient mobility for all, recognizing the unique characteristics of the City.

    We encourage residents to review details on Let’s Talk Parksville which includes information presented at the open house on November 8, the results from the first phase engagement, What We Heard Report, as well as the base conditions report prepared by consultant, McElhanney Ltd.

  • Next Steps for Parksville’s Transportation Master Plan

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    January 29, 2024


    The process to update the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) now in Phase 2, will provide a comprehensive plan which reflects the changing needs and expectations of the community and provides a roadmap to ensure a well-coordinated, efficient, and sustainable mobility network aligned with the goals and vision of the community. This new plan will include costs, impacts, and policy direction, along with an implementation plan with monitoring and expected outcomes. Started in July 2023, Phase 2 is expected to complete in June followed by a third and final phase.

    During Phase 2, we are once again seeking your feedback on the proposed goals and objectives for the TMP. Our next open house on Tuesday, March 5 will share details on proposed projects and strategies to meet the community’s vision and will be followed by a second online survey for more feedback on what has been accomplished so far.

    The TMP will address current and future needs for all modes (auto, pedestrian, transit, cycling, and new and micro-mobility) along with emergency services and goods movement, with a particular focus on the downtown section of the Island Highway corridor. The goal is to provide a safe and accessible transportation network which will support a high quality of life for residents, and efficient mobility for all, recognizing the unique characteristics of the City.

    The What We Heard report from Phase 1 is complete and available on Let’s Talk Parksville. This report collects the discussions of the first public engagement session, along with the feedback received through the online survey completed in December. The base conditions assessment report available to review on Let’s Talk Parksville, summarizes the status of the multi-modal transportation network and identifies issues and opportunities to be explored during future phases of work.

    COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - Parksville residents and businesses are invited to the Phase 2 TMP kickoff engagement event. Whether you drive, transit, walk, cycle, or roll when getting around Parksville, we need your input at a drop-in open house on future capital projects and planning.

    Parksville residents, business owners

    Phase 2 Drop-in Open House, Transportation Master Plan

    The Forum, Parksville Civic and Technology Centre
    100 Jensen Avenue East, Parksville

    2-7 pm, Tuesday, March 5

    We need your input on future capital projects and planning

    For more information:
    Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications; 250 954-3073

  • Help Shape the Future of Transportation in Parksville

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    November 8, 2023


    The process to develop a comprehensive Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is now well underway. This new plan will be designed to improve mobility for residents, business and tourists based on current capacity and user experience as well as projected future growth. This plan will guide the future direction of transportation infrastructure in our City.

    Following the public open house on November 8, we wish to continue engaging with the community. Next step is an online survey seeking your input on how this new plan can improve your mobility experiences in the City for all modes of transportation, including walking, cycling, transit, and driving. The survey will be open from November 8 to December 3, accessible from Let’s Talk Parksville and the City’s website. As well, paper copies of the survey are available from City Hall. If you are not able to attend the open house, the information presented at the open house may be viewed on Let’s Talk Parksville and on display in the Atrium, 100 Jensen Avenue East until the end of November. We encourage you to take a few minutes to review this information before completing the survey.

    As we update the City’s 2016 Transportation Master Plan, we will continue to seek input on how this plan can improve experiences of mobility for all modes of transportation, including walking, cycling, transit, evolving transportation, and driving. The TMP will address current and future needs for all modes (auto, pedestrian, transit, cycling, and evolving transportation) along with emergency services and goods movement, with a particular focus on the downtown section of the Island Highway corridor. The goal is to provide a safe and accessible transportation network which will support a high quality of life for residents, and efficient mobility for all, recognizing the unique characteristics of the City of Parksville.

    Details about the City’s initiative to create a new Transportation Master Plan is available on Let’s Talk Parksville.

  • Parksville Transportation Master Plan

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    October 11, 2023


    Parksville is developing a comprehensive Transportation Master Plan (TMP) which will guide the future direction of transportation infrastructure for our City. The plan will be designed to improve mobility for residents, business and tourists based on current capacity and user experience as well as projected future growth.

    This initiative will update the City’s 2016 Transportation Master Plan and during the project, through a series of engagement opportunities, we will seek input on how this plan can improve experiences of mobility for all modes of transportation, including walking, cycling, transit, evolving transportation, and driving.

    The TMP will address current and future needs for all modes (auto, pedestrian, transit, cycling, and evolving transportation) along with emergency services and goods movement, with a particular focus on the downtown section of the Island Highway corridor. The goal is to provide a safe and accessible transportation network which will support a high quality of life for residents, and efficient mobility for all, recognizing the unique characteristics of the City of Parksville.

    The first public engagement event is a drop-in open house on November 8 followed by an online survey. The open house will review existing conditions and mapping and will be an opportunity to provide comments and ask questions. Consultant, McElhanney Ltd, will listen to resident input on six core topics as well as comments on issues or opportunities not included in these core topics - traffic and signals, active transportation (walking and cycling), transit, parking, safety, and funding.

    Parksville residents, business owners

    Transportation Master Plan Open House, drop-in

    The Forum, Parksville Civic and Technology Centre, 100 Jensen Avenue East

    2-7 pm, Wednesday, November 8
    Presentations at 3, 4, 5 and 6 pm

    Your input will inform an updated Transportation Master Plan.

    For more information:
    Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications; 250 954-3073

Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025, 10:32 AM