Kw’a’luxw (Englishman) River - Project Background

The area along the Englishman River estuary has been a popular pedestrian pathway since the 1960s. Originally known as “Parksville Flats,” the estuary was acquired by the Pacific Estuary Conservation program in 1992 and in 1994, the area was designated a wildlife management area. For many years, the Englishman River has been listed as one of the most endangered rivers in the province, primarily due to declining health of fish stocks which includes salmon and steelhead.

The concept of a formalized trail began with informal discussions in 2008 and has since been a priority of City of Parksville Councils. Following completion of the City’s waterfront walkway, the consultation process began in 2012 with the Ministry of Environment, Department of Fisheries, The Nature Trust of British Columbia, and the Mid Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society to address environmental, fisheries and management concerns for the Englishman River estuary. In 2013, the City purchased the property at 130 Shelly Road for $750,000.

In January 2021, Council directed staff to work collaboratively with Nature Trust of BC to prepare options for the alignment, design, and conditions for use for a trail, including recommendations for environmental enhancement, mitigative measures and stewardship opportunities for the estuary. In July 2021, Council publicly released the Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment(External link) for the pathway, Nerbus Lane to Shelly Road.

In March 2022, this property was appraised at $2.6 million. The City has agreed to donate the additional $1.8 million appraised value in appreciation and recognition of the importance of natural asset management and ecological protection. 

In May 2023, negotiations between the City and The Nature Trust of BC resulted in a memorandum of understanding which formalized the pathway from Nerbus Lane to Mills Street and the transfer of ownership of 130 Shelly Road from the City to NTBC on April 30, 2024. The memorandum of understanding will facilitate cooperation to support the Parksville-Qualicum Beach Wildlife Management Area and specifically the Englishman River estuary, the vision, values, and goals included in the City’s Official Community Plan, and the vision and mission of the Nature Trust of BC.