EMO News Release - December 22

To help keep BC safe, the public health officer introduced province-wide restrictions now in effect until January 18, 2022. Most recent information is available here.(External link)

  • Indoor organized gatherings of any size are not allowed. This includes gatherings like New Year's Eve parties, weddings or other celebrations.
  • Indoor events at venues can only have 50% capacity. This includes events like concerts, sports or movies.
  • Bars, nightclubs and lounges are closed.
  • Restaurants, cafes and pubs can have a maximum of six people at each table.
  • Adult gyms, fitness centres and dance studios are closed.

As of December 20, the provincial health officer announced revised orders(External link) in effect until January 31, 2022. These orders address rising COVID-19 case counts and include:

  • Indoor personal gatherings are limited to your household plus ten visitors or one other household. Everyone 12 and older must be fully vaccinated.
  • The BC vaccine card is required for organized events of any size.
  • At restaurants, cafes and pubs, customers must stay seated and cannot move between or visit other tables. Masks are required when not seated
  • Limiting venues of 1,000 individuals or more to 50% of the seated capacity with reinforced masking requirements and scanning of the BC vaccine card QR code.
  • All sports tournaments and related travel are not allowed.
  • All New Year’s Eve organized gatherings and events are restricted to being seated-only events, with no mingling or dancing allowed.

In addition to the provincial health officer orders, British Columbians are advised to limit indoor gatherings to those who are fully vaccinated, ensure proper ventilation indoors, avoid all travel if not fully vaccinated and follow the travel advisory issued by the federal government to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada.

Information about COVID-19, how to protect yourself, your family and your community and what to do if you suspect you have the virus is available from Island Health(External link).

Information about booster dose is available from the province at this link(External link). The information explains priority groups and the requirement to wait until contacted.

Please take care, be safe. See you in 2022.

For information, contact:

Aaron Dawson
Emergency Program Coordinator, City of Parksville
adawson@parksville.ca(External link)

Rob Daman
Emergency Program Coordinator, Town of Qualicum Beach
rdaman@qualicumbeach.com(External link)

Deb Tardiff
Manager of Communications, City of Parksville
dtardiff@parksville.ca(External link)

Consultation has concluded