Memorial and Hirst Avenues Project Update
February 3, 2022
The contractor, Knappett Industries, will begin expanding their work in the parking lot between Memorial Avenue and Hirst Avenue West starting February 9, requiring its closure to the public. This parking lot will be closed to the public until the end of construction, anticipated to be this spring. Local access along Memorial Avenue will be maintained when possible, but if you can access your destination via Harrison Avenue or Hirst Avenue West, please do. The finished parking lot design will include parking, through-traffic, pedestrian facilities, landscaping, and street lighting. These features are rendered at on the Future tab.
In the new year, Knappett Industries crews installed new underground utilities on Memorial Avenue, including the stormwater and sanitary sewer mains and services to private properties. They’ve been working to locate and connect the old services, many of which are obscured by the memorial tree roots. To work around these roots safely, a professional arborist is on site regularly monitoring works and has provided thorough working procedures to protect the health of the memorial trees through construction and beyond.
Sidewalks on Hirst Avenue West are planned for completion after Telus and BC Hydro complete their work on several poles and overhead wires in the vicinity. Irrigation installation has begun on Hirst Avenue West and will also be completed before the sidewalks are installed.
Consultation has concluded