Memorial and Hirst Avenues Project Update

April 28, 2022

On May 10 starting at 4 am, crews will begin paving and installing a four-way stop on the Alberni Highway at Hirst Avenue West as part of the Memorial and Hirst Avenues Upgrades Project. Paving will also be performed on the Alberni Highway at Memorial Avenue and on Hirst Avenue West from the Alberni Highway to McMillan Street South. To accommodate this work, single ­lane alternating traffic on the Alberni Highway and a temporary road closure on Hirst Avenue West at the Alberni Highway will be in effect for periods between 4 am to 5 pm; please avoid this area during this time.

This four-way stop is a recommendation of the City of Parksville’s 2016 Transportation Master Plan and replaces a two-way stop on Hirst Avenue West at the Alberni Highway. Currently, only right turns are allowed from eastbound Hirst Avenue West. The new four-way stop will allow all turning movements and facilitate safer pedestrian crossings.

For more information:

Ayla DeFoor, AScT

Consultation has concluded