Improvements to Washroom Facilities in Parksville Community Park

The City recognizes that over the extremely busy weekend just past, the service in the public washrooms in the Parksville Community Park did not meet capacity. Due to construction of the gathering plaza, the washroom building near the gazebo is closed and although we brought in additional portable toilets, these facilities were not able to keep up with demand. Ongoing vandalism to the washrooms is also of concern to the City.

Significant improvements to the current situation are being made prior to the upcoming long weekend which we hope will address concerns expressed by park users:

  • Four additional portable toilets will be added making a total of 18 portables. Eight near the playground, four at the north side of the gathering plaza project, two at Arbutus Point, and four south of the playground. The KinHut washroom near the sports field is also open to the public.
  • Three handwashing stations will accompany each pod of four portable toilets with two on the south side of the playground and one at the north side of the construction. City staff will ensure there is water.
  • An increase in the cleaning service on all portable toilets by our contractor with service on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. City staff will monitor, clean and add toilet paper when required.

The gathering plaza project, along with other significant improvements will make the park more enjoyable for users, improving safety and accessibility while addressing the need for multiuse facilities. We sincerely apologize for the disruptions experienced by park visitors as the improvements throughout the park are completed over the next few months.

Let’s Talk Parksville and the City’s website(External link) will continue to provide updated timelines and details.

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