Project Funding
The City is pleased to receive funding from the Province of BC for 58 new childcare spaces and the Union of BC Municipalities will fund 33 spaces: a total of 37 spaces for infants to school age and 54 spaces for school age children. The grant of $2,034,829 will fund 91 new licensed childcare spaces to be located in the Jensen Centre (formerly Parksville Community Centre) for a minimum of fifteen years. This grant will complete significant renovations to the Jensen Centre to facilitate the new childcare spaces and community programming. The funding from the Ministry of Child and Family Development’s Childcare BC New Spaces Fund and Union of BC Municipalities will create much needed childcare spaces to support families in our community.
The centre will be fully accessible, provide transportation for out-of-school care programs with two new buses and new multi-purpose outdoor play spaces for all ages. Every effort will be made to accommodate appropriate community partner programs during non-operating hours in the Parksville Child and Family Centre.