Voter Information
The City of Parksville municipal Council consists of a mayor and six Councillors, each elected for a four-year term with the next general local election to be held on Saturday, October 17, 2026. The Local Government Act sets out the requirements for both voters and candidates.
The City of Parksville does not use a voters' list. All voters register on the day you vote at either an advance voting opportunity or on general voting day. When arriving to vote, two pieces of identification are required - one containing your name and address, the other containing your name and signature. If you do not have documentation showing residency, then two pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) are still required and you must then make a solemn declaration as to your residency.
Other documents MAY be accepted at the discretion of the Presiding Election Officer)
If you meet all of the above requirements you can vote, and it does not matter whether you rent or own your home.
The City will provide information updates on the election process here, on this site. Should you have questions not addressed here, please contact:
Chief Election Officer
City of Parksville
100 Jensen Avenue East
250 954-3070
Ways To Vote - Who Can Vote
Non-Resident Property Elector
Frequently Asked Questions for Voters
Key Dates for Voters