Election 2022
Local government elections in British Columbia are held every four years. The election for the City of Parksville took place on Saturday, October 15, 2022. Residents elected one Mayor, six Councillors and two School Trustees. The determination of official election results was made by the Chief Election officer at 3 pm, October 18.
Parksville's New Council
The 2022-2026 Parksville Council was sworn in at the inaugural meeting on November 7. The meeting may be viewed from webstreaming on our website.(External link)
Links related to the 2022-2026 Council:
Council portfolios and committee appointments(External link)
Mayor and Council contact information(External link)(External link)
Mayor O’Brien’s inaugural address(External link)(External link)
Attending Council meetings(External link)
Congratulations to the 2022-2026 Council (left to right) Councillors Sylvia Martin, Adam Fras, Amit Gaur;
Mayor Doug O’Brien; Councillors Mary Beil, Joel Grenz, Sean Wood.
(External link)
Local government elections in British Columbia are held every four years. The election for the City of Parksville took place on Saturday, October 15, 2022. Residents elected one Mayor, six Councillors and two School Trustees. The determination of official election results was made by the Chief Election officer at 3 pm, October 18.
Parksville's New Council
The 2022-2026 Parksville Council was sworn in at the inaugural meeting on November 7. The meeting may be viewed from webstreaming on our website.(External link)
Links related to the 2022-2026 Council:
Council portfolios and committee appointments(External link)
Mayor and Council contact information(External link)(External link)
Mayor O’Brien’s inaugural address(External link)(External link)
Attending Council meetings(External link)
Congratulations to the 2022-2026 Council (left to right) Councillors Sylvia Martin, Adam Fras, Amit Gaur;
Mayor Doug O’Brien; Councillors Mary Beil, Joel Grenz, Sean Wood.
(External link)
Post Election Survey Results
December 20, 2022
We recently asked residents to participate in a survey to help us improve our election processes following the 2022 Parksville local government election. Open for three weeks, we heard from 67 residents. With the election behind us, it is important we continue to improve the voting experience at future local government elections. Here is what we heard:
- 88% of respondents voted in the October election in Parksville.
- 95.5% were extremely or moderately aware of the voting day date and 85% were extremely or moderately aware of advance voting dates.
Residents were confident they were aware of their voting options, knew what they needed to do to vote and how the electoral process works. - 70% were satisfied with how the election was administered with 10% dissatisfied.
- 80-85% of respondents indicated it was easy to locate voting location, location was accessible, and voting was easy.
- 83-94% agreed election staff were knowledgeable, friendly, accommodating, efficient, and respectful.
- 26% would like to see more advance voting dates, 34% would like to see more accommodation for seniors and people with disabilities, and 38% wished for other voting options such as mail-in or online ballots.
We appreciate the input and comments from residents about how the election process could be improved and these comments will be considered prior to the next general election in 2026.
For more information:
Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications
dtardiff@parksville.ca; 250 954-3073 -
New Council for City of Parksville
November 9, 2022
Inaugural Address by Parksville Mayor O’Brien
November 8, 2022
Council Appointments - November 8, 2022, to November 6, 2023
November 8, 2022
City of Parksville Official Election Results
October 18, 2022
City of Parksville Preliminary Election Results
Declaration of Candidates
City of Parksville Candidates - 2022 General Local Election
September 9, 2022
The deadline for filing nomination papers for the upcoming general local government elections was 4 pm today. The next local government election will take place on Saturday, October 15. At this time, the list of candidates running for election is unofficial as a candidate has until 4 pm on Friday, September 16 to withdraw.
At the deadline today, the following were nominated for Mayor:
Ed Mayne
Doug O’BrienAt the deadline today, the following were nominated for six Councillor positions:
Karin Badel
Frank Bailey
Mary Beil
Lucky Butterworth
Adam Fras
Amit Gaur
Joel Grenz
Mike Kelly
Jeet Mann
Sylvia Martin
Paula Miles
Teresa Patterson
Michael Pedersen
Marilyn Wilson
Sean WoodNomination papers for all candidates are published on the City’s website. Information about voting locations, advance polls, key dates, frequently asked questions, candidate information, and who can vote is available on Let’s Talk Parksville. The City’s website and Let’s Talk Parksville are updated as information becomes available.
General voting day is Saturday, October 15 from 8 am to 8 pm at the Parksville Community Centre, 132 Jensen Avenue East or the Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church, 550 Pym Street. Advance voting takes place on Wednesday, October 5 and Wednesday, October 12 from 8 am to 8 pm at the Parksville Community Centre,
132 Jensen Avenue East. Special voting opportunities will be offered at several care facilities for their residents and workers only.
For more information:
Amanda Weeks, Chief Election Officer
250 954-3070Danielle Leurebourg, Deputy Chief Election Officer
250 954-3060election-official@parksville.ca (External link)
Parksville Local Government Election 2022
April 4, 2022
Local government elections in British Columbia are held every four years. The City of Parksville municipal Council is made up of a Mayor and six Councillors, each to be elected for a four-year term.
The election for the City of Parksville is set for Saturday, October 15, 2022, from 8 am to 8 pm at the Parksville Community Centre and Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church. Advance voting will be held on Wednesday, October 5 and Wednesday, October 12, 2022, from 8 am to 8 pm at the Parksville Community Centre
(132 Jensen Avenue East).Detailed information for voters and for candidates running for council is available at Let’s Talk Parksville, through a direct link, also accessible from the City’s website(External link). Let’s Talk Parksville provides key dates for voters and candidates, frequently asked questions, ways to vote, who can vote, and more.
We hope you will spend some time reviewing our election site on Let’s Talk Parksville to familiarize yourself with the City of Parksville’s local government election.
Other Important Info
March 2022
Election 2022 has finished this stage- March 8 - Candidates last day to meet six-month BC residency requirement
April 2022
Election 2022 has finished this stage- April 14 - Last day to meet six-month BC residency requirement
July 2022
Election 2022 has finished this stage- July 22 - Nomination packages available for pickup
August 30 to September 9, 2022
Election 2022 has finished this stage- Nomination period
September 2022
Election 2022 has finished this stage- September 9 - Declaration of candidates
- September 14 - Last day to meet 30-day City of Parksville residency requirement for non-resident property electors
- September 16 - Last day to withdraw as candidate
- September 17 - Election campaign period starts
- September 26 - All Candidates Forum, Knox Untied Church (345 Pym Street)
October 2022
Election 2022 has finished this stage- October 4 - All Candidates Meeting(External link) - Winchelsea Place, 7 pm
- October 5 - Advance voting opportunity
- October 12 - Advance voting opportunity
- October 15 - General voting day. Declaration of unofficial results
- October 19 - Declaration of official results
- October 4 - All Candidates Meeting(External link) - Winchelsea Place, 7 pm
November 2022
Election 2022 has finished this stage- November 7 - Inaugural Meeting
January 2023
Election 2022 is currently at this stage- January 13 - Deadline to file campaign financing disclosure statements to Elections BC