Round 2 of Parksville’s Transportation Master Plan

February 22, 2024

NEWS RELEASE(External link)

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first phase of the City’s transportation master plan project. In late 2023, through an open house and online survey, we heard from more than 400 people who shared their thoughts, ideas and experiences related to transportation in the City of Parksville.

Phase 2 Drop-in Open House - March 5
We invite residents to participate in round two of our planning. Whether you drive, transit, walk, cycle, or roll when moving around Parksville, we need your feedback at an open house on Tuesday, March 5, to be held in the Forum, 100 Jensen Avenue East. We encourage residents to drop in between 2 and 7 pm and plan to stay for one of the presentations scheduled for 3 pm and 5 pm. We are seeking your feedback on proposed goals and objectives for the transportation master plan, future capital projects and planning, and proposed projects and strategies to meet the community’s vision.

Phase 2 Survey - March 5 to April 5
As part of phase 2 input, Parksville residents are invited to share their thoughts on what we have accomplished so far. To ensure that the transportation master plan accurately reflects the needs of the community, we are once again asking for your feedback. The information presented at the March 5 open house will be available to review on Let’s Talk Parksville. This phase 2 survey will be open from March 5 to April 5 on Let’s Talk Parksville.

The process to update our transportation master plan now in Phase 2, will result in a comprehensive plan which reflects the changing needs and expectations of the community and provides a roadmap to ensure a well-coordinated, efficient, and sustainable mobility network aligned with the goals and vision of the community. This new plan will include costs, impacts, and policy direction, along with an implementation plan with monitoring and expected outcomes. Phase 2 is expected to complete in June, followed by the third and final phase.

This new plan will address current and future needs for all modes along with emergency services and goods movement, with a particular focus on the downtown section of the Island Highway corridor. The goal is to provide a safe and accessible transportation network which will support a high quality of life for residents and efficient mobility for all, recognizing the unique characteristics of the City.

We encourage residents to review details on Let’s Talk Parksville which includes information presented at the open house on November 8, the results from the first phase engagement, What We Heard Report(External link), as well as the base conditions report prepared by consultant, McElhanney Ltd.