Water Restrictions

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Water Restrictions and Conservation Tips

Between April and October, water restrictions are often in place to ensure adequate resources during the warmer months. The City implements water restrictions in four stages.

As of July 16, unless otherwise advised, Water Restriction Stage 3 is in effect.

Stage 1 Water Restrictions Bylaw
Stage 2 Water Restrictions Bylaw
Stage 3 Water Restrictions Bylaw

Stage 4 Water Restrictions Bylaw

Water Restrictions and Conservation Tips

Between April and October, water restrictions are often in place to ensure adequate resources during the warmer months. The City implements water restrictions in four stages.

As of July 16, unless otherwise advised, Water Restriction Stage 3 is in effect.

Stage 1 Water Restrictions Bylaw
Stage 2 Water Restrictions Bylaw
Stage 3 Water Restrictions Bylaw

Stage 4 Water Restrictions Bylaw

  • City of Parksville Moves to Stage 2 Watering Restrictions on May 1

    Share City of Parksville Moves to Stage 2 Watering Restrictions on May 1 on Facebook Share City of Parksville Moves to Stage 2 Watering Restrictions on May 1 on Twitter Share City of Parksville Moves to Stage 2 Watering Restrictions on May 1 on Linkedin Email City of Parksville Moves to Stage 2 Watering Restrictions on May 1 link

    April 25, 2022


    On May 1, the City of Parksville will move to Stage 2 outdoor watering restrictions. Stage 2 means sprinkling can only occur on even days for even-numbered houses and on odd days for odd-numbered houses. Sprinkling is permitted for a maximum of two hours between 7 am to 10 am or 7 pm to 10 pm. Stage 2 will be in effect until further notice.


    • Sprinkler watering - odd numbered civic addresses may water on odd numbered days and even numbered civic addresses may water on even numbered days. Watering times are 7 am to 10 am OR 7 pm to 10 pm for a maximum of two hours of total allocated watering per day.
    • Vegetable gardens and fruit trees - exempt from all watering restrictions.
    • Watering of ornamental shrubs, flowers and trees - restricted to a hand-held container or a hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle if watered outside of the times permitted.
    • Washing of vehicles, boats and buildings - vehicles, boats and exterior building surfaces may be washed using City supplied potable water using a hand-held container or hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle.
    • Washing of sidewalks and driveways - persons may use City supplied potable water to wash sidewalks, driveways or parking lots.
    • Swimming pools, wading pools, hot tubs and water features - may be filled with water.

    Please note vegetable gardens and fruit trees are exempt from all watering restrictions and businesses which require water for operations are also exempt.

    Taking conservation measures early, before our water supplies come under stress, is essential to ensure we can maintain an adequate water supply throughout the hot dry summers we have come to expect.

    Detailed information about the City’s water restrictions may be found on the City of Parksville website. The City is a partner in the Regional District of Nanaimo’s Team WaterSmart programs. Please direct questions to ops@parksville.ca.

Page last updated: 29 Jul 2024, 09:50 AM