2023-2026 Strategic Plan

(External link)In October, Parksville Council was elected for a four-year term, 2022 to 2026. In early 2023, supported by an external consultant with experience in strategic planning, Council and senior staff worked together to establish a clear vision for Parksville’s future.

Mayor and Council are pleased to present the 2023-2026 strategic plan with six strategic focus areas:

Official Community Plan Review and Update
Vibrant and Livable Downtown
Water Use Planning and Management
Community Engagement
Investment in Recreation Amenities

We encourage you to review the strategic objectives detailed in the plan. The strategic plan will guide Council decision making, assist with resource allocation and establish priorities for key initiatives and projects. The plan will provide direction to staff and inform departmental work plans and operational levels of service.

Please email comments or questions to council@parksville.ca(External link).

(External link)In October, Parksville Council was elected for a four-year term, 2022 to 2026. In early 2023, supported by an external consultant with experience in strategic planning, Council and senior staff worked together to establish a clear vision for Parksville’s future.

Mayor and Council are pleased to present the 2023-2026 strategic plan with six strategic focus areas:

Official Community Plan Review and Update
Vibrant and Livable Downtown
Water Use Planning and Management
Community Engagement
Investment in Recreation Amenities

We encourage you to review the strategic objectives detailed in the plan. The strategic plan will guide Council decision making, assist with resource allocation and establish priorities for key initiatives and projects. The plan will provide direction to staff and inform departmental work plans and operational levels of service.

Please email comments or questions to council@parksville.ca(External link).

  • Parksville 2023-2026 Strategic Plan Finalized

    July 4, 2023

    LINK TO PDF(External link)

    The 2023-2026 strategic plan for the City of Parksville was adopted by Council on May 15. This new strategic plan will guide decision-making over the course of Council’s term and identifies the priorities and the outcomes Council wishes to achieve through 2026.

    Supported by an external consultant with experience in strategic planning, Council and senior staff worked together to establish a clear vision for Parksville’s future. The strategic plan will guide Council decision making, assist with resource allocation and establish priorities for key initiatives and projects. The strategic objectives provide direction to staff and inform departmental work plans and operational levels of service.

    The 2023-2026 strategic plan identifies Council’s six overarching priority objectives through 2026, detailed here:

    • ADVOCACY - To represent and advance the interests of the municipality with federal and provincial government ministries and agencies responsible for providing services in our community, and to define the results, targets and outcomes expected by the community.
    • OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN REVIEW AND UPDATE - To review and update the City’s OCP to address current and future demands and realities including the effects of climate change, population growth, changing demographics, an evolving economic environment and community values.
    • VIBRANT AND LIVABLE DOWNTOWN - To support the viability of existing and new businesses by making decisions that support a vibrant downtown that connects with and compliments the adjacent Parksville Community Park and recreation facilities.
    • WATER USE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT - To ensure a sustainable potable water supply for the community through a sound understanding of water sources, storage opportunities and long-term availability, future requirements and infrastructure options to support reliable drinking water for the community.
    • COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - To build trust and foster a connected community by enhancing our efforts to inform, consult, engage, involve, and collaborate with our citizens and businesses and other government agencies.
    • INVESTMENT IN RECREATION AMENITIES - To invest in new recreational amenities to support a growing population and encourage people of all ages to choose Parksville as their home.

    Residents are encouraged to review the strategic plan available at this link and provide comments on Let’s Talk Parksville or email to council@parksville.ca(External link).

    “Our first important initiative as Council benefitted from a collaborative team approach. Serving as a road map and achieved through consensus, this plan will serve as our strategic direction to guide the delivery of programs and services and define our workplan for our term of office. This is an ambitious plan and by embracing our quality of life, the natural environment and small-town atmosphere, Council will seek opportunities to ensure Parksville is the destination on Vancouver Island.”

    For more information:
    Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications
    communications@parksville.ca;(External link) 250 954-3073

Page last updated: 04 Jul 2023, 11:29 AM