Parksville's Asset Management

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The City is grateful for the $108,000 in funding from the Canada Community-Building Fund Community
Works Fund to support the City’s asset management project.

Asset management is the process of making decisions about the use and care of infrastructure to deliver services in a way that considers current and future needs, manages risks and opportunities, and makes the best use of resources.

The City of Parksville manages and maintains a wide variety of assets including:

  • Over 20 buildings
  • Over 40 vehicles
  • Over 120 kilometres of watermains
  • Over 90 kilometres of storm mains
  • Over 80 kilometres of sewer mains
  • ~100 kilometres of roads
  • ~85 hectares of parkland and associated trails networks, structures, and playgrounds
  • Water treatment plant, reservoirs, and pump stations
  • Equipment for servicing vehicles, grounds and parks maintenance, emergency services, IT infrastructure and much more.

The City is dedicated to managing these assets in a sustainable way so current and future citizens can enjoy the same levels of service which are offered by the City today. Sound asset management practices help minimize risks and long-term costs.

This video from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities explains how asset management and sustainability can help communities.

Local governments are responsible for maintaining an enormous quantity and variety of assets, ranging from major infrastructure such as hundreds of kilometres of roads and utilities, to items as small as the computers and telephones used by the City to provide service to the community.

As infrastructure ages, maintenance becomes an ever-increasing challenge. And just like with your car or your home, if not properly maintained these assets may fail much earlier than expected.

The goal of asset management is achieving “sustainable service delivery” - ensuring current community services are delivered in a socially, economically, and environmentally responsible manner which does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What We Accomplished in 2023

Condition assessments and valuations of non-linear infrastructure.
- To support renewal and maintenance timelines and costs.

Development of new asset registries for key asset classes.
- To consolidate asset information in one place.

Draft copy of a sanitary sewer asset management plan.
- To be finalized in 2024 once the sanitary sewer master plan is complete.

Certification of six staff in the asset management planning certification program by NAMS Canada.
- To develop organizational asset management awareness.

Development and Council approval of an asset management strategy.
- To define what the City will do with respect to asset management and how it will be done.

Update of the City’s asset management policy.

Review and update of the linear asset cost estimating database.
- To assist with renewal estimates and infrastructure funding requirements.

Development of a draft asset risk management document.
- To help prioritize asset renewals based perceived risk associated with each asset.

Multi-department review of levels of service and risk for the sanitary sewer system.
- What do we do and how often do we do it.

Commencement of the sanitary sewer and drainage CCTV video inspections.
- To support condition and risk assessment of drainage and sewer lines.

Substantial work on drainage, transportation, water, and sewer master plans.
- To assist with capacity analysis and infrastructure renewal and addition priorities.

Completion of a pavement condition assessment.
- Supports condition and risk assessment of our roads.

Moss Road infrastructure renewal.
- To replace aging infrastructure to limit the risk of failures in the system.

The City is grateful for the $108,000 in funding from the Canada Community-Building Fund Community
Works Fund to support the City’s asset management project.

Asset management is the process of making decisions about the use and care of infrastructure to deliver services in a way that considers current and future needs, manages risks and opportunities, and makes the best use of resources.

The City of Parksville manages and maintains a wide variety of assets including:

  • Over 20 buildings
  • Over 40 vehicles
  • Over 120 kilometres of watermains
  • Over 90 kilometres of storm mains
  • Over 80 kilometres of sewer mains
  • ~100 kilometres of roads
  • ~85 hectares of parkland and associated trails networks, structures, and playgrounds
  • Water treatment plant, reservoirs, and pump stations
  • Equipment for servicing vehicles, grounds and parks maintenance, emergency services, IT infrastructure and much more.

The City is dedicated to managing these assets in a sustainable way so current and future citizens can enjoy the same levels of service which are offered by the City today. Sound asset management practices help minimize risks and long-term costs.

This video from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities explains how asset management and sustainability can help communities.

Local governments are responsible for maintaining an enormous quantity and variety of assets, ranging from major infrastructure such as hundreds of kilometres of roads and utilities, to items as small as the computers and telephones used by the City to provide service to the community.

As infrastructure ages, maintenance becomes an ever-increasing challenge. And just like with your car or your home, if not properly maintained these assets may fail much earlier than expected.

The goal of asset management is achieving “sustainable service delivery” - ensuring current community services are delivered in a socially, economically, and environmentally responsible manner which does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What We Accomplished in 2023

Condition assessments and valuations of non-linear infrastructure.
- To support renewal and maintenance timelines and costs.

Development of new asset registries for key asset classes.
- To consolidate asset information in one place.

Draft copy of a sanitary sewer asset management plan.
- To be finalized in 2024 once the sanitary sewer master plan is complete.

Certification of six staff in the asset management planning certification program by NAMS Canada.
- To develop organizational asset management awareness.

Development and Council approval of an asset management strategy.
- To define what the City will do with respect to asset management and how it will be done.

Update of the City’s asset management policy.

Review and update of the linear asset cost estimating database.
- To assist with renewal estimates and infrastructure funding requirements.

Development of a draft asset risk management document.
- To help prioritize asset renewals based perceived risk associated with each asset.

Multi-department review of levels of service and risk for the sanitary sewer system.
- What do we do and how often do we do it.

Commencement of the sanitary sewer and drainage CCTV video inspections.
- To support condition and risk assessment of drainage and sewer lines.

Substantial work on drainage, transportation, water, and sewer master plans.
- To assist with capacity analysis and infrastructure renewal and addition priorities.

Completion of a pavement condition assessment.
- Supports condition and risk assessment of our roads.

Moss Road infrastructure renewal.
- To replace aging infrastructure to limit the risk of failures in the system.

  • Update - April 2024

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    Moss Avenue Infrastructure Renewal Project
    The City is currently wrapping up a capital project which involved the renewal of infrastructure on Moss Avenue. The project included:

    • Renewal of ~500m of roadway
    • 11 new streetlights
    • Replacement of ~650m of drainage main
    • Replacement of ~550m of water main
    • Replacement of ~350m of sewer main

    Much of the old infrastructure was installed in 1974-1975 and was nearing or exceeding its estimated useful life. Renewal allows retirement of outdated asbestos concrete piping in favor of newer thermoplastic piping materials and helps to safeguard against failure due to aging infrastructure. This ensures the citizens on Moss Avenue can enjoy the same service levels in the future as they have in past.

    Part of the asset management process is to review the condition of our aging infrastructure and prioritize renewal projects based on available funding and capacity. Moss Avenue is a great example of asset management at work!

  • Update - March 2024

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    Helping to Keep our Roads Safe – Asset Management at Work
    In 2023, the City purchased two new dump trucks to replace two aging units purchased in 2005. The new trucks came fully equipped with plows and sanders to help keep roads clear in the winter. The trucks are on a regular renewal schedule and funds are allocated to an equipment reserve each year so money is available when it’s time to replace again.

  • 2023 Year-end Update

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    Aging infrastructure and costly renewals have been at the forefront of local government news these days. From an unexpected $200 million bill in Prince Rupert for replacement of 26 kilometres of water and sewer piping to a nearly 40% tax increase in Osoyoos to take care of failing sewer infrastructure, the reality is we need to take a hard look at our own aging assets and where Parksville may be vulnerable.

    The overall goal of asset management is sustainable service delivery: to ensure that current and future Parksville residents can enjoy the same services from our assets that have been enjoyed by citizens in the past. We need to be proactive in our approach and develop asset management plans that look at renewal timelines and estimates the costs to meet those timelines. With only so much budget available, we need to weigh the benefits of new assets against the renewal and maintenance costs of existing ones.

    The City recognizes the need to plan and 2023 saw significant progression in the City’s asset management objectives. 2023 asset management highlights include:

    Asset management policy and strategy updates - These documents drive the City’s asset management work. Council approved documents which demonstrate the City’s commitment to asset management, and detail what will be done and how and when it is expected to occur.

    Asset register updates - Taking the City’s various sources of asset data and combining it for asset management purposes.

    Condition assessments
    Vertical asset condition and replacement values - Provides data to support asset renewal timelines and estimated costs.

    Pavement condition assessment - Determines the condition of the City’s road surfaces with recommendations for renewal and maintenance work.

    CCTV inspections - Provides condition information on our drainage and sewer lines and provides recommendations for renewal and maintenance work.

    Sewer, water, drainage, and transportation master plans - To assess the current and future capacities of these systems and provide recommendations for new infrastructure and renewal projects.

    Risk and levels of service analysis - Multi-departmental workshops to help understand risks associated with our assets and the current service levels we provide.

    This information will help to inform the City’s asset management plans and 2024 will be an exciting year for asset management in Parksville. With the master plan work wrapping up, we will be able to move forward with the development of asset management plans which will eventually inform the financial planning process. This will be a big step in the right direction when it comes to ensuring sustainable service delivery for the citizens of Parksville.

  • Parksville’s Asset Management Program

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    May 15, 2023

    LINK TO PDF(External link)

    Asset management is the process of making decisions about the use and care of infrastructure to deliver services in a way that considers current and future needs, manages risks and opportunities, and makes the best use of resources.

    Earlier this year, Council approved a new asset management strategy and updated the City’s asset management policy. The strategy documents the City’s asset management objectives, why they are important, how they will be achieved, and the timelines and resources required to achieve those objectives. The asset management policy and strategy documents are key components in advancing Council’s asset management objectives. Starting in 2024, reporting the outcomes from asset management plans will become a requirement for provincial infrastructure grant funding.

    The City of Parksville manages and maintains a wide variety of assets including more than twenty buildings, forty vehicles, 120 kilometres of watermains, 90 kilometres of storm mains, 80 kilometres of sewer mains, 100 kilometres of roads, 85 hectares of parkland and associated trails networks, structures, and playgrounds, the water treatment plant, reservoirs, and pump stations as well as equipment for servicing vehicles, grounds and parks maintenance, emergency services, IT infrastructure and much more.

    Details of Parksville’s asset management program are now available on Let’s Talk Parksville which outlines the initiatives for 2023, timelines, previous reports as well as information to help understand asset management, and the effective and reliable delivery of critical City services now and in the future. Sound asset management practices help minimize risks and long-term costs.

    The week of May 14 is Local Government Week and May 17 is recognized as Asset Management Day. More information at Asset Management BC(External link) and #AMDAY2023 #OURASSETSMATTER

    For more information:
    Deb Tardiff, Manager of Communications;(External link) 250 954-3073

Page last updated: 25 Oct 2024, 04:26 PM