Transportation Master Plan

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The City received $150,000 in funding support from the
Canada Community-Building Fund Community Works Fund.

Updated July 23, 2024
We are now ready to move into the third phase of the transportation master plan process. The second phase What We Heard Report is available for review and we are preparing for a third engagement session on Tuesday, October 1. This final engagement will present the recommended projects and improvements across all modes of travel (auto, transit, walking, and cycling) with the goal of confirming with the community that the plan is capturing a balanced and practical approach to achieving the City’s mobility goals. We will see feedback on project priorities as well as any final thoughts on areas for future improvement. There will be opportunities to provide this feedback at the open house and as part of a third online survey.

Updated April 8, 2024
We are nearing completion of the second of three phases of the transportation master plan process. This first phase included data collection at major intersections within the City, an open house, online survey, and local stakeholder engagement meetings. These activities were collected into a What We Heard report and a Base Conditions Assessment report which summarized the findings and helped to define the overall ambitions of the community to respond to identified challenges.

The second phase saw the development of a series of options (grouped into capital projects, near-term planning, quick progress, and policy and guidelines) which attempts to respond to identified challenges in ways that support the overall objectives of the project and align with the desire for Parksville to be an active, accessible, and safe community. These ideas were presented to the community at the second open house in February and combined with the results of an online survey, the feedback from the session will help the transportation master plan team refine the options and prepare initial recommendations. The next step in phase two is the completion of the second What We Heard report, available on this site later this month.

With the wrap up of the second phase, we look forward to the third and final phase which will focus on developing a series of practical recommendations for improvements over the coming years. The improvements will be costed, with identified funding sources and a plan for implementation. The recommendations will be presented to the community before being finalized and submitted to Council for consideration.

Updated January 12, 2024
Progress to update the City’s 2016 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is well underway. Working with consultant, McElhanney Ltd, the new comprehensive plan will reflect the changing needs and expectations of the community and provide a roadmap to ensure a well-coordinated, efficient, and sustainable mobility network aligned with the goals and vision of the community. The new plan will communicate recommendations including costs, impacts, and policy direction along with an implementation plan with monitoring and expected outcomes. The process to develop a new TMP began in July 2023, and we expect Phase 2 will complete in June followed by the third and final phase of the process.

The TMP will address current and future needs for all modes (auto, pedestrian, transit, cycling, and new and micro-mobility) along with emergency services and goods movement, with a particular focus on the downtown section of the Island Highway corridor. The goal is to provide a safe and accessible transportation network that will support a high quality of life for residents, and efficient mobility for all, recognizing the unique characteristics of the City.

The TMP project will:

  • Review and assess current transportation conditions for all modes.
  • Engage with the community during each phase of the study process (see below).
  • Establish community priorities and alignment with overall City objectives.
  • Identify critical infrastructure and areas for enhancement or mitigation.
  • Proposed multi-modal transportation solutions to address challenges and improve mobility choice.
  • Develop conceptual designs that reimagine how the Island Highway corridor through the City’s
    downtown is utilized.
  • Update the downtown core parking study.
  • Update road classifications and design guides relating to transportation infrastructure.
  • Identify areas for traffic calming and make policy recommendations.
  • Provide a schedule of costs for recommended improvements and enhancements.
  • Propose monitoring strategies to review progress.

Phase 1 Results
Community Engagement

The City received $150,000 in funding support from the
Canada Community-Building Fund Community Works Fund.

Updated July 23, 2024
We are now ready to move into the third phase of the transportation master plan process. The second phase What We Heard Report is available for review and we are preparing for a third engagement session on Tuesday, October 1. This final engagement will present the recommended projects and improvements across all modes of travel (auto, transit, walking, and cycling) with the goal of confirming with the community that the plan is capturing a balanced and practical approach to achieving the City’s mobility goals. We will see feedback on project priorities as well as any final thoughts on areas for future improvement. There will be opportunities to provide this feedback at the open house and as part of a third online survey.

Updated April 8, 2024
We are nearing completion of the second of three phases of the transportation master plan process. This first phase included data collection at major intersections within the City, an open house, online survey, and local stakeholder engagement meetings. These activities were collected into a What We Heard report and a Base Conditions Assessment report which summarized the findings and helped to define the overall ambitions of the community to respond to identified challenges.

The second phase saw the development of a series of options (grouped into capital projects, near-term planning, quick progress, and policy and guidelines) which attempts to respond to identified challenges in ways that support the overall objectives of the project and align with the desire for Parksville to be an active, accessible, and safe community. These ideas were presented to the community at the second open house in February and combined with the results of an online survey, the feedback from the session will help the transportation master plan team refine the options and prepare initial recommendations. The next step in phase two is the completion of the second What We Heard report, available on this site later this month.

With the wrap up of the second phase, we look forward to the third and final phase which will focus on developing a series of practical recommendations for improvements over the coming years. The improvements will be costed, with identified funding sources and a plan for implementation. The recommendations will be presented to the community before being finalized and submitted to Council for consideration.

Updated January 12, 2024
Progress to update the City’s 2016 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is well underway. Working with consultant, McElhanney Ltd, the new comprehensive plan will reflect the changing needs and expectations of the community and provide a roadmap to ensure a well-coordinated, efficient, and sustainable mobility network aligned with the goals and vision of the community. The new plan will communicate recommendations including costs, impacts, and policy direction along with an implementation plan with monitoring and expected outcomes. The process to develop a new TMP began in July 2023, and we expect Phase 2 will complete in June followed by the third and final phase of the process.

The TMP will address current and future needs for all modes (auto, pedestrian, transit, cycling, and new and micro-mobility) along with emergency services and goods movement, with a particular focus on the downtown section of the Island Highway corridor. The goal is to provide a safe and accessible transportation network that will support a high quality of life for residents, and efficient mobility for all, recognizing the unique characteristics of the City.

The TMP project will:

  • Review and assess current transportation conditions for all modes.
  • Engage with the community during each phase of the study process (see below).
  • Establish community priorities and alignment with overall City objectives.
  • Identify critical infrastructure and areas for enhancement or mitigation.
  • Proposed multi-modal transportation solutions to address challenges and improve mobility choice.
  • Develop conceptual designs that reimagine how the Island Highway corridor through the City’s
    downtown is utilized.
  • Update the downtown core parking study.
  • Update road classifications and design guides relating to transportation infrastructure.
  • Identify areas for traffic calming and make policy recommendations.
  • Provide a schedule of costs for recommended improvements and enhancements.
  • Propose monitoring strategies to review progress.

Phase 1 Results
Community Engagement

Please feel free to ask us a question about this exciting new project.

Note: Your question will be public once we have responded. We may respond privately if your question contains personal information. Questions that do not contribute to a safe and respectful space for others, or are unrelated to this topic, will not be answered. Please review our moderation policy.

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  • Share Where is the survey for the TMP? on Facebook Share Where is the survey for the TMP? on Twitter Share Where is the survey for the TMP? on Linkedin Email Where is the survey for the TMP? link

    Where is the survey for the TMP?

    Juneau11 asked 5 months ago

    As detailed in the information, the survey will be available for complete on March 5, same day as the public open house. Available from this site as well as the homepage of the City's website. Paper copies are available from City Hall.

  • Share I don't have a question, just a comment. Your survey did not leave enough room to add all my comments. It would have been helpful if you had included in your survey one more page allowing the respondents to add what else they had to say but which would not fit in the space provided. on Facebook Share I don't have a question, just a comment. Your survey did not leave enough room to add all my comments. It would have been helpful if you had included in your survey one more page allowing the respondents to add what else they had to say but which would not fit in the space provided. on Twitter Share I don't have a question, just a comment. Your survey did not leave enough room to add all my comments. It would have been helpful if you had included in your survey one more page allowing the respondents to add what else they had to say but which would not fit in the space provided. on Linkedin Email I don't have a question, just a comment. Your survey did not leave enough room to add all my comments. It would have been helpful if you had included in your survey one more page allowing the respondents to add what else they had to say but which would not fit in the space provided. link

    I don't have a question, just a comment. Your survey did not leave enough room to add all my comments. It would have been helpful if you had included in your survey one more page allowing the respondents to add what else they had to say but which would not fit in the space provided.

    Elizabeth Friedberg asked 8 months ago

    Hello. Each question in the survey provides a section for additional comments, all open ended. We did not provide another section at the end of the survey and perhaps should have, thinking comments would relate to each question or section. Should you wish to provide more information or comments, please email to and they will be forwarded to the transportation master plan team to be considered. 

  • Share I am a member of the Access Oceanside Association (AOA) and we plan to make a submission in response to the Transportation Master Plan Consultation. We understand that the Second Phase of Public Engagement will be in Spring 2024, but could you advise if that is the appropriate time for AOA to make a submission ? Many Thanks. on Facebook Share I am a member of the Access Oceanside Association (AOA) and we plan to make a submission in response to the Transportation Master Plan Consultation. We understand that the Second Phase of Public Engagement will be in Spring 2024, but could you advise if that is the appropriate time for AOA to make a submission ? Many Thanks. on Twitter Share I am a member of the Access Oceanside Association (AOA) and we plan to make a submission in response to the Transportation Master Plan Consultation. We understand that the Second Phase of Public Engagement will be in Spring 2024, but could you advise if that is the appropriate time for AOA to make a submission ? Many Thanks. on Linkedin Email I am a member of the Access Oceanside Association (AOA) and we plan to make a submission in response to the Transportation Master Plan Consultation. We understand that the Second Phase of Public Engagement will be in Spring 2024, but could you advise if that is the appropriate time for AOA to make a submission ? Many Thanks. link

    I am a member of the Access Oceanside Association (AOA) and we plan to make a submission in response to the Transportation Master Plan Consultation. We understand that the Second Phase of Public Engagement will be in Spring 2024, but could you advise if that is the appropriate time for AOA to make a submission ? Many Thanks.

    Ralph Tietjen asked 8 months ago

    Engagement sessions with organizations will be held in early December to receive feedback about the transportation network. Invitations have been extended and we are now coordinating meeting times with these local groups. Access Oceanside Association has been contacted.

  • Share Why do we have non elected staff pushing "Non Car centric" streets on the citizens of Parksville when said city staffer lives outside Parksville and would no doubt find it logistically impossible to ride a bicycle, take transit or walk to work. Unless he is working from home. why are we pushing "non car centric streets on the citizens of Parksville when we are and have been for a long time a bedroom community for Nanaimo? I just saw a nurse in a supermarket obviously just got off her shift and drove home from nanaimo tired from her shift. Do we really expect her to par her vehicle at her home and hop on a bicycle to go to the store? Or hope on a bus to get a bag of groceries after she gets off work at 19:00 hours. I await your reply. on Facebook Share Why do we have non elected staff pushing "Non Car centric" streets on the citizens of Parksville when said city staffer lives outside Parksville and would no doubt find it logistically impossible to ride a bicycle, take transit or walk to work. Unless he is working from home. why are we pushing "non car centric streets on the citizens of Parksville when we are and have been for a long time a bedroom community for Nanaimo? I just saw a nurse in a supermarket obviously just got off her shift and drove home from nanaimo tired from her shift. Do we really expect her to par her vehicle at her home and hop on a bicycle to go to the store? Or hope on a bus to get a bag of groceries after she gets off work at 19:00 hours. I await your reply. on Twitter Share Why do we have non elected staff pushing "Non Car centric" streets on the citizens of Parksville when said city staffer lives outside Parksville and would no doubt find it logistically impossible to ride a bicycle, take transit or walk to work. Unless he is working from home. why are we pushing "non car centric streets on the citizens of Parksville when we are and have been for a long time a bedroom community for Nanaimo? I just saw a nurse in a supermarket obviously just got off her shift and drove home from nanaimo tired from her shift. Do we really expect her to par her vehicle at her home and hop on a bicycle to go to the store? Or hope on a bus to get a bag of groceries after she gets off work at 19:00 hours. I await your reply. on Linkedin Email Why do we have non elected staff pushing "Non Car centric" streets on the citizens of Parksville when said city staffer lives outside Parksville and would no doubt find it logistically impossible to ride a bicycle, take transit or walk to work. Unless he is working from home. why are we pushing "non car centric streets on the citizens of Parksville when we are and have been for a long time a bedroom community for Nanaimo? I just saw a nurse in a supermarket obviously just got off her shift and drove home from nanaimo tired from her shift. Do we really expect her to par her vehicle at her home and hop on a bicycle to go to the store? Or hope on a bus to get a bag of groceries after she gets off work at 19:00 hours. I await your reply. link

    Why do we have non elected staff pushing "Non Car centric" streets on the citizens of Parksville when said city staffer lives outside Parksville and would no doubt find it logistically impossible to ride a bicycle, take transit or walk to work. Unless he is working from home. why are we pushing "non car centric streets on the citizens of Parksville when we are and have been for a long time a bedroom community for Nanaimo? I just saw a nurse in a supermarket obviously just got off her shift and drove home from nanaimo tired from her shift. Do we really expect her to par her vehicle at her home and hop on a bicycle to go to the store? Or hope on a bus to get a bag of groceries after she gets off work at 19:00 hours. I await your reply.

    Twinsport asked 9 months ago

    Thanks for your comments which have been forwarded to the team conducting the transportation master plan. 

    Here is some information from the team conducting the master plan in response to your comment:
    The Transportation Master Plan is guided by the City of Parksville’s Official Community Plan (OCP), as well as by the focus areas as outlined in the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. The OCP outlines goals in Section 6.1 that are centered around providing a safe, efficient road and multi-modal network that facilitates easy and effective movement of people and goods while also supporting a high quality of life in a long term, cost effective manner. These goals also include objectives such as having the City seek options for enhancing multi-modal transportation options within the City and beyond.

Page last updated: 24 Jul 2024, 01:09 PM